Bleeding After Menopause. Should I Be Concerned?

>> Thursday, May 21, 2015

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Bleeding after menopause can be alarming and it can make women think the worst (cancer). Fortunately, cancer or hyperplasia (a type of pre-cancer), are less common than the many other potential causes of bleeding.

Menopause usually happens in a woman's late 40’s to early 50's, and is signaled by the occurrence of hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, fatigue, difficulty sleeping and lack of sexual desire. During this time, menstrual cycles can start to occur closer together, or become shorter with lighter flow until they stop. Or they can become extremely heavy, painful and prolonged, lasting 7-10 days until they stop.

The majority of post-menopausal bleeding is caused from the wild hormone changes happening. Many women go on hormone replacement to alleviate all the symptoms, and to try to re-balance hormones properly. Use of bio identical hormones can cause a lot of PMB (post-menopausal bleeding).

Another potential cause of PMB is anatomic change. This can be evaluated through ultrasound studies. Anatomic changes can include: ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine or cervical polyps (all of which can cause irregular bleeding or bleeding after sex). Less common causes of PMB include emotional stress, extreme weight loss, and nutritional imbalances, especially insulin resistance.

Whatever the cause is, when PMB happens, do not delay in making an appointment with your gynecologist.

I hope this helps with your question; please don't hesitate to inquire further. A lot more can be said here, and there are several treatment options which depend on the cause of the bleeding. That may be a good topic for next week. Sounds like fun.
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